Last night Babi called me into our bedroom and she was very anxious. When I asked her what happened, she showed me her belly. Her belly moved in rhythmic contractions and we being doctors, knew for sure that it had nothing to do with the onset of labor.
As usual, I freaked out. Could it be that our baby is in distress? Can he be stuck for lack of amniotic fluid volume? Can it be a seizure? The most complicated and disturbing thoughts flashed into my mind for a brief point of time. In panicky, I picked up the phone and called Amma. She told us that these phenomenon are normal and there is nothing to worry. She said that it might be that the baby is having hiccups.
Still not convinced, I forced Babi to accompany me to the nearby hospital. She denied and asked me to fully trust her mother's judgement. Worried, panicky and totally lost, I turned to where everyone in such a situation would do. The internet. I searched the net and I found two videos and seeing them, there was no room left for doubt. I am attaching those videos here for reference to parents, should they go through something like this. And know this much - its a good thing!! It means that the Central Nervous System of your child has been fully developed.Since then, these hiccups have been entertaining and reassuring.
So worry not and just enjoy the moment. God speed.
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