Many of the people I know already know Deepu. A fantastic friend, a great dude. People who came in late might not know that he is also a very very talented photographer. His works speaks for himself and like they say, when talent meets opportunity - its definitely a success story. Like in his case.
Its a wonderful thing to see your childhood buddy.. whom you have seen growing up with you from kindergarten doing so well in life and also enjoying every bit of it. More to it comes when you hear people talk about him, about his talent, and about being lucky having to know him personally. I had all of that, and Deepu, know this much that we all are really proud of you and all that work that you are doing. Alright, with that, meet Deepu.
So anybody who wants to see what they want to see on video or still, this is the guy. He is the one.
He lies hidden here :