My wife has been nagging me for quite sometime asking me to see the movie ‘Marley and Me’ with her. She said that she loved it and that I would too. And also that it was really touching and all that jazz. And I have been extending it without reason. And now I have finally seen it, and blame myself for why I dint listen to my wife.
The first thing I did after seeing that movie was to call up my buddy back there at my camp and enquire about how my Brownie was doing. Yes, when I write this entry, I am really really missing her. I have been really caught up over the past few days ever since I have come home that I haven’t got time to write about the wonderful time I am having here with my family. Apart from many other things, about which I do intend to elaborate later sometime, we got a puppy for home. We named him Rocky and I think he is the cutest black Labrador Retriever I have ever seen. And spending time seeing him play, feeding him, cleaning his poop, I almost forgot about my dear Brownie, who I know is missing me back there in Assam.
I don’t know how she comes to know everytime I pack my bags to go home. I mean, being in the army, its my profile to be on the move. I keep moving very often, for a day or two, never longer than 4 days, but never then would she make me feel so conscious of her ailing heart, as she does when I pack bags to come home. Its like she tell me : “Please don’t leave me alone here. Take me with you.”
I think that’s the best thing about having a pet. They would love you for what ever you are. You might be just an other dude down the street for a lot of people, but for him, you are the whole world – the place where all roads lead to. I still remember my buddy telling me that for days after I had left her when I came home on vacation the last time, she kept lying next to my shoes –smelling and licking it, as if something in it reassured her about my presence. The very feeling of your pet doing something like this for you – this is a feeling so overwhelming, only a pet owner can relate to.
In an attempt to stall Jennifer's "biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley's antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone's patience by acting like the world's most impulsive dog. Life is idyllic until the aging Marley begins to show signs of arthritis and deafness. An attack of gastric dilatation volvulus almost kills him, but he recovers. When a second attack occurs, it becomes clear surgery will not help him, and Marley is euthanised with John at his side. The family pay their last respects to their beloved pet as they bury him beneath a tree in their front yard.
It isn’t a great great great movie with the plot, but when you narrow down on to the dog-master relationship, its a winner. I couldn’t control my tears when Grogen had to come face to face with the reality that his dog isn’t going to be with him for long. I think the main reason why I cried is that I saw me standing right there a few years down the lane. The same pathetic plight. The same horrendous destiny. One that really cant be changed. A clock into which I cant add anymore time keeps on ticking and I miss my Brownie more than anything else tonight.
I guess it would do good for me that my wife gets proved wrong about things pertaining to my taste once in a while. It would do my male ego good. Yeah.
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