Yesterday as my wife and I were taking a bike ride into the late hours of the night when the roads of Trivandrum looks haunted and empty, there rushed beside us like a lighting, thundering through the road - an ambulance.
The siren seemed to echo in the silence of the night and it could be heard from quite a distance. But the relative emptiness in the roads brought them close to us in a jiffy. I had already given side to the fleeting vehicle and as it passed - I saw a face through the ambulance window.
It was an old man. Maybe in his sixties, or maybe even seventies. He leaned his head onto the shoulder of an other man sitting next to him. His face looked sad and there was on his face a pain - that seemed to make it so overwhelming that he couldn't even cry. What had happened? Who was it? Were they taking him to the hospital still alive, or were they taking him from the hospital, after he was just a memory - I will never know. But one thing I know for sure - this life, this moment and this day is really the most important time of our lives. Its not philosophy when people talk about living your present - its the only thing.
From the time thousands of lives were lost in the Tsunami to the hundreds that succumbed to in Libya/Egypt to the handful in Bahrain - its all over. It lives there that went in the sweep of time. A permanent departure into wilderness. A loss that never is replaced.
Life maybe harsh at many times than one for the many of us, but I feel that there is more reason to be happy that we all are alive - living - in love and for love, and that makes every single second spend, even in agony, worth it all. And this is something I learned that night, a lesson that came like a dream - totally involuntarily, and it is that Life is good and its so beautiful if you closely watch it unfolding before you, in patience and hope. You just have to soldier on in the right spirit and you'll realise that there isn't any place better for love. It is right here. It is right now.
Rejoice people. We are alive!

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