Yeah, there are so many things I want to do still. There are so many things I want to learn. Sometimes I also think of having a change in career, but then I also love what I am doing. Sometimes I feel like a young teen who is still not sure which one to choose from so many things he wants to be. But my case is different - I have become what I always wanted to be and getting here I want to explore options. For many doctors their ambition is to be a specialist or a super specialist and keep adding degrees to the already long graduation degree MBBS. But for me, the ambition was only to be a doctor - and that I have achieved and thus that makes me a content man when it comes to career goals.
Ok, so what are the things I want to do before I am gone? Here are a few to begin with:
1. Learn dancing.
Waltz, Tango, Salsa, Jive, Ballroom dancing, Jig and Hip hop. I would also like to indulge in a lot of Bhangra and Bollywood style dancing.
2. Learn Taekwondo.
What I like about this martial art is, it combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, meditation, and philosophy.
3. Learn professional cooking.
That isnt surprising is it? Being a son of an executive chef, it was but natural that it be in my blood. I so love cooking and would love to learn a lot more about the same. What I particularly would love to learn is about Chinese and Continental cuisine, with special emphasis on baking cakes and pastries.
4. Learn photography.
Photography is all about the 'eye for detail' and no matter how much you are trained, if you dont have that eye for it, its all in vain. I think I have that 'eye' I have already over emphasized about. Just a little more direction to it and I promise to be much better.
5. Learn to use Photoshop.
There is so much that can be done using a Adobe Photoshop and always whenever I get close to learning a bit, I get caught up and forget what I learned before I get back. I want a good teacher to set that right for me.
6. Holidaying in Rome, Egypt, Seychelles and Paris.
These are places I always wanted to go with my special person. Now that I have 'that' person in my life - I cant wait to get there.
7. Do bungee jumping.
Though that scares the shit out of me, I firmly believe that its going to be worth the adrenaline rush.
9. Host an international show.
Everytime I stood on stage compeering some event, I have always wondered how it would be to be there entertaining an international audience. Maybe like an award night or a global fashion show. Aaah, don't think that is ever going to work. Hmmm.. :(
10. Interview Oprah Winfrey.
Man, I have always always admired this lady and capacity to interview.
11. To have atleast a 50 goggles.
12. To go on a family vacation to Mauritius.
13. Buy mom an expensive diamond necklace.
Well, thats it for now. Writing this just makes me realise that our list of wants never end. But if I could achieve all this, guess I wont ask for more. For the time being that is.
Peace. :)