Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wifey goes home! :(

Tomo my wife goes home.
With her sister who was staying with us the last 03 weeks.
She gets married on 12th June.
I will see Mrs. B only on 10th now.
Gonna miss her.
Over and out.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Today we had a great time in the mess. In a very motivating speech, our boss said this line and I think the world needs to hear about this. He said, "In war, a soldier is either a winner or a dead-body". How intense lines. How pregnant with meaning.

Its been two hours since he said that. Still, it haunts me. Motivates me. Make me want to win. Never to lose. To never say die.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Assault on the eyes!

This is the picture where a random search landed me to. Its called : Remya Nambissan HOT stills. Since I couldnt quite understand what that caption really meant, want to share the exquisite appeal of this pic with you, and maybe understand what they really meant when they wrote that.
Errr,..is it an ironic fashion statement? If you can't tell, then it's probably not working.
Granted, the actress probably never got a chance to dress like a moron at her own prom, but that doesn't make her multi-colored cheap stoned necklace and earrings any more endearing to the naked eye. Also? That red watch dial? And that hair-do? Still a "no".
Its time that the actresses realized that people who are forced to watch them on media have a better, much better, style of dressing than many of them. So, in conclusion, fire your stylist. Period.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Light. Killing Darkness.

Trying out my new camera. Nikon Coolpix P100.

A single candle is enough to dispel the darkness of an entire room. You only need a few people that radiate peace, sanity and compassion to counter the hatred and fear of thousands.

The three lovely 'B's.

This is the most pleasant thing to my eyes. My three absolutely amazing 'B's.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bullseye :)

Been lately getting lots of emails from readers of my blog. It is such a gratifying thing to know that you read and respond, so gracefully. Gives me reason and motivation to write more. Also makes me come out of the excuse that "I dont find the time to sit and type".
So fellas, hang in there. Would be my endeavor to never let you down, cos there is so much in the head that my heart wants to debate about.
Thats it for now. More tomorrow. Surely. Goodnight. Peace.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First few glimpses..

Really thanking my lucky stars that I got my dear friend Deepu to do the coverage for our 125 years. And he has done a fantabulous job there. Here are the first few glimpses of the event, that which he email-ed to me. Have a look. Lovely isnt it?