I know I have been overly mean and selfish this time. I haven’t mentioned Bruno ever. No passing mention, no nostalgic memory, no emotional attachment, nothing. I guess I did not because, quite clearly, I forgot about him. Totally. I think I was so very involved with my own puppy Brownie, that I forgot everything before him. Quite typical human behaviour isn’t it?
Bruno and Ruby came into our lives as 32 day year pups. Both German shepherds, siblings. We had a Doberman then who was about 5 years old when they had come, her name being Jacky. Bruno and Ruby brought much happiness into our lives. They were the most obedient pups I had ever seen, and they learned everything we taught them with the upmost ease and loved us more than we could ever imagine. In not more than 50 days old, still ten more days till 2 months, they had almost learned the obedience training complete. Such were their mental prowess. I think in my experience with dogs, German Shepherds are a force to reckon with in their physical and mental prowess.
Bruno and Ruby both grew into fantastic statures and not surprisingly, they were the talk in town. Many people would just stop by and see the duo, strolling in the sun with their black and golden fleece shining in the sun. It was a sight to see. Just a few months from there I went to medical school and from then on, my stay at home was limited to the 15 days I would come home on term break every six months. During one of my visits, my paternal uncle, who’s wife and kid stayed alone at home, while he worked abroad expressed his desire of keeping Ruby. It was like he was asking for our soul. But the emotional touch to it, made my dad consent. Brother’s family in need of some guard is a really sensitive issue. And moreover, they were just 2 homes away, so dad’s point was that we could go and see her whenever we wanted to. And thus, Ruby left us and went to her new home, where she stayed and played and protected till she breathed her last nearly a year back, being affected by uterine tumour. I still remember the way my aunt was weeping in agony. And I can relate to the pain, because I shared some too.
Bruno is nearly 11 years old now. He has arthritis in both his hind legs and day before yesterday my wife said that she suspects that he has pain in his left ear too. There is mild discharge thats perennial from his eyes, finds it difficult to get up from a lying down position and he limps now when he walks. That is the same Bruno I am talking about, who couldn’t even sit and second without atleast playfully wagging his beautiful tail. But should there be some stranger at the gates, he would never seize the chance to spring and rush to the gates barking, as if still performing his duty with the utmost dedication. My dad said and I quote,” There is so much these animals teach us, isn’t it? Look at him, he can barely walk, but when duty calls, he would just forget his pain and weakness, and would just answer the call. Not a word of complaint, not an aura of accomplishment...he would just do his thing, and then come back to rest. How many of us can actually do something like that, without making a huge fuss about it??”. The words still ring in my ears and I am without answer.
Senility. That changes everything, doesn’t it? Everyone is subject to the progress of time and there is no one spared. Not even my dear Bruno, who protected mom when all of us were away at work or studies. When we used to ask mom if she ever felt scared of being alone, she only said : when Bruno is there to take care of me, why should I fear. That was the level of trust mom had in him. And so did we all. Seeing him suffer like this is a painful thing. I just wish he could talk and tell us about where his leg hurts the most or what makes him feel better. I wish.
In a few more days I leave home again for work not sure as to when I would return. And I am also not sure if I would ever get to see my Bruno again when I come back. My Bruno, who has given his entire life taking care of us, asking nothing back in return but our love, is really old now. I wish we have lived upto the highest level of dedication he has always showed. I hope we have made him happy in whatever way we can in return for the unparallel love we got from him. I wish he could take and understand my sorry for not taking time out to just sit with him and give him company in whatever time I had at home, like how he has done all his life. I truly feel so very bad for you Bruno, and I wish I could tell you how much you made us proud. Please get well soon and bounce back into your healthy self, cos it hurts a lot to see you in so much pain. Love you Bruno.